Terms and Conditions

  1. Who are we?
    1. General Information and Contact Information.

We are Khafy for Information Technology (“Khafy Company”), a simplified joint stock company, with commercial registration No. 4030471053, established in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Law in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and headquartered in Jeddah. You can contact us directly through our client service representatives via the following email: Clientsupport@khafy.com

1.2 Contact Us.

If we wish to communicate with You, we will do so via email, or through the postal address registered with us in the website’s database. You can register on the website through a precise process. Khafy website provides all the information required from Users before starting to provide our services. To activate the account and benefit from our services in an authorized manner, please follow the following instructions and provisions:

– Please review and read the following terms carefully before using our service.

– Register via the Khafy website via your mobile phone or through the electronic portal. If your subscription is successful, you will receive a secret code via an SMS on your mobile phone to verify your identity. Do not share the sent secret code.

– All Users of the website are bound by these terms and conditions.

  1. Definitions.

The term “writing” and synonyms include “written” refer to the content of the message itself. It includes written text that is sent to the User. The term “Mystery Shopper” is known. A mystery shopper is a person who is assigned to visit stores or to evaluate services without the employees knowing his identity, with the aim of evaluating the quality of the service or products. The term is known as “Mystery Shopper Service“, which provides for the provision of an anonymous Mystery Shopper to act as an actual Client to evaluate the entire Client experience is based on the questionnaire approved by the Client and according to the times and locations specified by the Client. The term “Expenses Invoice” is known as the value specified by the Client for the Mystery Shopper to purchase products or services according to the scope specified by the Client, and it is paid before starting the Mission. The term “Inspection and Examination” defines the process of evaluating and analyzing the requirements, standards and requirements required by the concerned entity and the services provided, and ensuring their conformity with the official documents and specified standards. All requirements are examined and verified with an official permit from the concerned authority, and the term “Inspector” is known. He is the person assigned and authorized by the concerned authority to carry out the examination and inspection process in a specific context, whether in the commercial, industrial, or any other field, and to ensure its conformity with the specified standards and requirements. The term “Mission” defines an activity or duty to which a person is assigned. To accomplish it within a specific time frame, and have specific goals and outputs. Mission vary greatly depending on the context, and can be of different types such as visiting a branch, evaluating call centers, evaluating a website, and the term “Survey” is known as a tool that is used to evaluate the quality of service and Client experience by sending Mystery Shoppers to interact with various touch points with Clients. Clients and collect data on a group of important factors such as the quality of service provided, the extent of professionalism of employees, the extent of Client satisfaction, and brand performance. The term “Survey/Questionnaire” is defined as a document that contains a detailed analysis and summary of the data and information collected through the Questionnaire conducted by the Mystery Shopper or the Inspector, and includes results and conclusions in addition to percentages and statistics for each Mission. The report reflects an in-depth analysis of the data and feedback collected during the process, and outlines a comprehensive assessment of the performance or service evaluated, which helps in understanding the weaknesses and strengths. The term “Client” is defined as the Client who requests Mystery Shopper Services through electronic platforms and for whom on his behalf, Khafy assigns the services to the Mystery Shopper. The term “User” is defined as any person who uses the Khafy electronic platforms, whether he is a Client or a Mystery Shopper. In all cases, the User is known as the person who uses/ Khafy services can be used through its electronic platforms. The term “Muktashif” means the Mystery Shopper’s electronic application through which the ordering process is carried out from the Client to the Mystery Shopper.

The term “you”, “your” or “yours” refers to the actual User who has read, understood and agreed to be bound by the terms contained herein.

  1. General Terms and Conditions.
  • Please read these Terms carefully before obtaining or using the Services.
  • Your access to and Use of the Services constitutes Your agreement to abide by these terms, which creates a contractual relationship between You and Khafy. If You do not agree to these terms and conditions, you may not obtain or Use the Services. These Terms specifically supersede any prior agreements or arrangements with you. Khafy Company may immediately terminate these Terms or any of the Services relating to you, or generally stop offering the Services or block access to them or any part thereof at any time and for any reason whatsoever.
  • Some supplementary terms may apply to certain services, such as policies for a specific event, activity, or promotional campaign, and these supplementary terms related to the services provided will be disclosed to you. Supplemental Terms are in addition to the Terms for the purposes of the Services provided and are considered part of them. Supplemental terms will prevail over these Terms in the event of a conflict regarding the Services provided.
  • Khafy Company may amend the terms related to the services from time to time. Amendments will become effective upon s posting of these updated terms on this site or publication of amended policies or supplementary terms related to the service provided. Your continued access or use of the Services after such posting constitutes your agreement to be bound by the Terms as amended.
  • We collect and use Personal Data in connection with the Services as set forth in Khafy’s Privacy Policy. We collect and use Personal Data in connection with the Services as set forth in Khafy’s Privacy Policy. Khafy may provide the necessary information (including your contact information) to claims adjusters or insurance companies in the event of a complaint, dispute or disagreement, which may include an incident between you and an external service provider (including a mystery shopper). This information or data is necessary to resolve the complaint, dispute or disagreement.
  1. Limitations.

Neither the Client nor the Mystery Shopper shall have the right to: (1) remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices from any portion of the Services; or (2) reproduce, modify, prepare derivative works of, distribute, license, rent, sell, resell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, broadcast, circulate, publish or otherwise exploit the Services except as expressly permitted by ; (3) tamper with, reverse engineer or disassemble its code except as permitted by applicable laws; or (4) create a link to, mirror or frame any portion of the Services; (5) create or cause to be created any software or scripts for the purpose of scraping, indexing, scraping or otherwise data mining any portion of the Services, or unduly burdening or impairing the operation and/or functionality of any aspect of the Services; or (6) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or damage any aspect thereof or any of its related systems or networks.

  1. Khafy Services.

– It enables the Client to obtain an unbiased assessment of his company’s performance, as the Mystery Shopper moves secretly and independently within the Client’s environment. It can focus on several aspects such as service quality, effectiveness of operations, and employee interaction with customers.

This approach provides a comprehensive view of the Client, where an accurate analysis of strengths and weaknesses can be obtained. In addition, it contributes to improving the level of service and improving the customer experience, which is essential for maintaining customer satisfaction and attracting more customers.

– Khafy provides the Client with a set of different Reports that provide a comprehensive view of the results of Mystery Shoppers after completing several Missions, facilitate the process of evaluating overall performance and making informed decisions based on future strategies, and the ability to guide companies to identify corrective or improvement measures to enhance strengths or address weaknesses and represent investment in services. Khafy access to valuable information to support and develop business in a thoughtful manner.

– The Client has the right to reject the Questionnaire/Survey submitted by the Mystery Shopper if the criteria mentioned in the Mission details are not met. And repeat the visit again until the Client has the opportunity to agree to the Questionnaire/Survey.

6. Third Party Services and Content.

The Services may be provided or accessed in connection with third-party services and content (including advertising) that are not under the control of Khafy. You acknowledge that different terms of use and privacy policies may apply to your use of third-party services and content. Khafy does not endorse third party services and content and in no event shall we be liable for any products or services of third-party providers. Additionally, Apple Inc., Google Inc., Microsoft Corporation, BlackBerry Limited and/or their respective international subsidiaries and affiliates will be considered third party beneficiaries of this Agreement if you access the Services using applications designed specifically for mobile devices running Apple iOS, Android, or Microsoft Windows. Or Blackberry, respectively. These third-party beneficiaries are not parties to this terms and conditions and are not responsible for providing or supporting the Services in any way. Your access to the Services using such devices is subject to the terms set forth in the applicable third-party beneficiary’s terms of service.

7.  Intellectual Property.

  • The term “Intellectual Property Rights” refers to any patent, copyright, trademark, trade name, service mark, implied right, design right, database right, know-how right or other proprietary right. Other Intellectual Property Rights, whether applied, not yet implemented, or ready to be implemented in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or anywhere else around the world, taking into account the good faith factor for those rights.
  • Khafy website reserves all Intellectual Property Rights in any sections of the electronic portal or any of the services provided under these terms and conditions. Khafy electronic platforms also reserves all Intellectual Property Rights regarding making any new updates or modifications, whether they belong to the Khafy electronic platforms or any of its licensors, and otherwise for necessary use under these terms and conditions. In return, no rights, licenses, or implied transfer are granted under Intellectual Property Rights.
  • You agree that all content included in this electronic portal, including information, data, software, photographs, graphics, video clips, general fonts, drawings, music, audio clips and other materials (hereinafter referred to collectively as “Content”) is subject to for protection under copyright, trademark or proprietary rights laws. These rights are also considered valid and subject to protection in all forms, including current media and technological means or that may be developed in the future.

8. Your use of the Services

Client Accounts.

In order to use most aspects of the Services, you must register for and maintain an active personal User Services account (“Account”). So that you can get an account. Account registration requires providing certain personal information to Khafy, such as the company name, address, mobile phone number, the company’s commercial register, and other documents that Khafy may request from the Client, in addition to one valid payment method through bank cards. It is required that the User’s bank card matches the name of the Client company. You agree to record and maintain accurate, complete and current information in your account. Your failure to maintain accurate, complete, and current information in your account, including an invalid or expired payment method designation, may result in your inability to access or Use the Services or a surreptitious termination of these Terms with you. You are responsible for all activities that occur under your account, and you agree to maintain the security and confidentiality of your account username and password at all times. You may not have more than one Account unless otherwise permitted in writing.

Remember, you are entirely responsible for protecting your password.

– Your password is for your personal and exclusive use only. The User must observe the confidentiality elements used to protect his other personal identification numbers or financial data.

– Conditions for setting a password:

– Password codes must contain at least one numeric character.

– Password codes must contain one uppercase letter.

– The password must contain more than 8 characters.

– The password must contain one special character (!, @, #, $).

In order to avoid fraud, Khafy reserves the authority to verify the personal information sent to it by matching it with your documents. The verification process may include a copy of the national identity, residence, or any other legal documents of the company that the Website may request from time to time.

9. Text messages.

Once you create an account, you agree that the Services may send you certain informational text messages as part of the normal business course of your use of the Services. You have the right to refuse to receive text messages from Khafy at any time by sending a message to the email Clientsupport@khafy.com  stating that you do not wish to receive further such messages and including the mobile number that receives these messages. You acknowledge that opting out of receiving text messages may affect your use of the Services.

10. Promotional codes.

Khafy may, in its sole discretion, create promotional codes that may be redeemed and added to the account or other features or benefits in connection with the Services and/or the services of third-party service providers, subject to any additional terms that Khafy establishes on a per promotional code basis (“Promotional Codes”). You agree that Promotional Codes: (1) must be used for their intended audience and purpose and in a lawful manner; (2) may not be copied, sold, transferred in any way, or made available to the public (whether posted on public form or otherwise), unless expressly permitted by you; (3) may be disabled by a third party at any time and for any reason without liability; (4) can only be used in accordance with the special terms set forth by Khafy for each Promo Code; (5) not suitable for cash payment; and (6) may expire before you use it. Khafy reserves the right to withdraw or deduct the added credits, features or other benefits obtained through the use of promotional codes by you or any other User in the event that Khafy determines or believes that the use or redemption of promotional codes was wrong, fraudulent or otherwise unlawful. Is legal or otherwise violates the terms of applicable promotional codes or these Terms.

11. User-Generated Content.

– Khafy Company has the right, in its absolute discretion, to allow you from time to time to submit, upload, publish or otherwise provide text, audio and/or visual content and information to Khafy through the Services, including comments and feedback related to the Services, and create requests. Support, and provide entries for, contests and promotions (“User Content”). Any User Generated Content you provide remains your property for promotions only. However, once you submit User Generated Content to Khafy, you grant it a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-transferable, royalty-free license, along with the right to sublicense, use, copy, modify, create derivative works from, distribute, publicly display and perform your User Content. publicly and otherwise exploit it in all forms and distribution channels now known or hereinafter devised (including in connection with the Services and Business of Khafy Company as well as sites and services of third parties), without further notice to you or obtaining consent from you and without the need to to make payment to you or any other person or entity.

– You represent and warrant that: (i) you are either the sole and exclusive owner of all User Content or you have all rights, licenses, consents and releases necessary to grant a license to Khafy to use the User Content as set forth above; (ii) neither the User Content nor your submission, uploading, posting or otherwise making available of such Content nor any surreptitious use of the User Content will infringe, misappropriate or violate any third party intellectual property rights, proprietary rights, rights of publicity or privacy To breach any applicable laws or regulations. In the event of a violation of intellectual property rights, you must compensate for any damages resulting from this violation.

– You agree not to submit any User Content that is libelous, defamatory, hateful, violent, obscene, pornographic, illegal or otherwise offensive, as determined by Khafy in its absolute discretion, whether or not such material is protected by law. Khafy may review, monitor, or remove User Content in its absolute discretion at any time and for any reason without notice to you, but is not obligated to do so.

12. Network and device access.

The Client responsibility to obtain the necessary network access data to use the Services. The Client shall bear the data and messaging rates and fees applied by the mobile network to which he or she subscribes at his or her expense if you access or use the Services from a wireless device. The Client shall be responsible for such rates and fees. You are also responsible for acquiring and updating appropriate equipment or devices that are necessary to access and use the Services and Applications and any updates thereto. Khafy does not warrant that the Services, or any part thereof, will operate on any particular equipment or devices. In addition, the Services may experience malfunctions and delays inherent in the use of the Internet and electronic communications.

13. Payment

– You understand that use of the Services may result in you being charged fees for services or goods you obtain from a third-party provider (“Fees”). The Client will pay the Expense Invoice for the purchases and then receive the Services or goods obtained through your use of the Service. Khafy will facilitate payment of the applicable fees on behalf of the Third Party provider in its capacity as the limited payment collection agent of the Third Party provider. Payment of the Fees in this manner will be deemed effective as if the payment had been made directly by you to the Third Party provider. Fees will include applicable taxes as stipulated by law. All fees paid by you are final and non-refundable, unless otherwise specified. You reserve the right to request a reduction in fees from a third-party provider for the services and goods you received from them at the time you received such services and goods. Accordingly, Khafy will respond to any request from any external service provider to modify the fees for a particular service or good.

As agreed between you and Khafy, Khafy reserves the right to establish, cancel and/or review fees for any or all services or goods obtained through the use of the Services at any time in Khafy’s absolute discretion. Furthermore, you acknowledge and accept that applicable fees in certain geographic areas may increase significantly during times of high demand. Khafy will use reasonable efforts to notify you of fees that may apply to you, provided that you will be responsible for fees incurred in your account regardless of your awareness of them or the amounts related to such account. –

– Khafy Company may from time to time provide some Users with promotional offers and discounts that may result in varying amounts being paid to obtain the same services or goods or to obtain similar services and goods while using the Services. You agree that such promotional offers and discounts shall not have any effect. Also not made available to you in relation to your use of the Services or the fees charged to you. You may choose to cancel your order for services or goods provided by a Third-Party provider at any time before the Third-Party provider arrives, but if the Third-Party provider arrives, you may be required to pay a cancellation fee.

14. Repair or Maintenance fees.

Client will be responsible for the cost of repairing damage (or necessary cleaning) to the Submitted Jobs and its property arising from use of the Services under your Account in excess of damage resulting from “normal use” and necessary cleaning (“Repair or Cleaning”). In the event that the Third-Party provider is notified of its need for repair or cleaning and the request for such repair or cleaning is approved by Khafy based on its reasonable discretion, Khafy reserves the right to facilitate payment of the reasonable cost of such repair or cleaning on behalf of the Third-Party provider using the payment method specified in your account. These amounts are transferred anonymously to the relevant service provider and are non-refundable.

15. Disclaimer; Limitation of liability; Compensation.

15.1 Disclaimer.

The Services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Khafy disclaims all responsibility for all representations and warranties, whether express or implied, that are not expressly stated in these terms, including the implied representations of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. In addition, Khafy makes no representations, warranties or guarantees regarding the reliability, timeliness, quality, suitability or availability of the Services or any of them or the goods requested while using these Services or regarding the Services being uninterrupted or error-free. Khafy does not guarantee the quality, suitability, safety or ability of third-party service providers. You agree that the entire risk arising out of your use of the Services or any services or goods ordered in connection with such use remains solely with you to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law.

15.2 Limitation of Liability.

Khafy will not be liable for indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive, or consequential damages, including loss of profits, loss of data, personal injury, or property damage related to or in any way resulting from the use of the Services, even if Khafy has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Khafy will not be liable for any damages, liabilities, or losses arising from: (i) your use of, reliance on, or inability to access or use the Services; OR (ii) ANY BUSINESS TRANSACTION OR RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN YOU AND ANY THIRD-PARTY SERVICE PROVIDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Khafy will not be liable for delay or failure in performance arising from causes beyond Khafy’s reasonable control.

15.3 Compensation.

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless you, its officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising out of or in connection with: (i) your Use of the Services in a manner that is misleading or fraudulent to a customer; or (ii) your breach or violation of any of these Terms; or (iii) surreptitious use of your User Content; or (iv) your violation of the rights of any third party, including third party service providers.

16. Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Notice (below) explains how and also the prohibitions on the use of information provided to us. It also includes all the details and steps necessary to protect the confidentiality of this information. Please review the privacy notice governing your visit to the websites.

17. Privacy Notice

You agree to accept the Privacy Policy of the Khafy website.

18. Notices.

Khafy may give notices by sending a general notice regarding the Services, by sending an e-mail to your mail address on record in your account, or by sending a written letter by postal mail to your address on record in your account. You may send notifications to Khafy Company via written correspondence to the email address Clientsupport@khafy.com  Address: Lilian Tower 2, Prince Sultan Street, 10th Floor, Jeddah | 23526 Commercial Registration Number: 4030471053.

19. Security

19-1 You are responsible for ensuring the security and confidentiality of your account, including the password, when you use the website, which enables you to protect access to your computer. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities (including electronic payments) that occur under your account and password. Khafy website has the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, delete or edit content, or cancel orders at its discretion. The website may also be used for legal purposes only. The User alone bears all responsibility for activities that occur under his or her account or password.

19-2 You must not disclose your User’s name, password, or any other authentication method related to the website services to any third party, including Khafy website employees. If any information is disclosed to a third party, it will be deemed to constitute your authorization for the third party to access and use your accounts. You will also be responsible for all activities that occur on the account after this disclosure, without any liability on the Khafy website

19-33 The Khafy website takes all necessary security measures to ensure the confidentiality of Clients data and the information they provide. It is also committed to maintaining the privacy of all its clients’ operations. However, it does not guarantee protection against viruses or unauthorized intrusions. Clients are responsible for taking appropriate measures to protect their private information. In addition, the Company disclaims any responsibility for any damages incurred by Clients while using the Company’s electronic services.

20. Fraudulent correspondence warnings

The Website is aware of the risks arising from fraudulent communications, especially emails sent to members of the public, purporting to be official correspondence from or on behalf of the Website, through the use of the Website’s name and/or branding. Note that these unsolicited communications often claim that the recipient of the communication will win a prize in a lucky contest. The Website does not authorize any such communications and therefore does not accept responsibility for them. Accordingly, please be careful and exercise caution when it comes to providing personal or confidential information, especially since the Khafy website completely disclaims any type of fraudulent correspondence. Also, Khafy Website and will never ask you to obtain any confidential information except through its electronic platforms or through its customer channels. We will not send any email to any of the Users regarding account information and requested changes.

21. Possibility of deletion or exclusion

21-1 Your visit to the electronic portal is subject to a set of policies that govern your visit and use. In the event that a condition is unlawful, void, or for any other reason unenforceable, that condition shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining conditions.

21-2 The Khafy has the right to stop/delete the website service under the following circumstances:

– If the Client stops using the Services for more than one year or at its sole discretion.

– If the User intentionally and repeatedly violates any of the Terms and Conditions.

– If the Company suspects any fraudulent activity on the part of the User.

22. Governing law and dispute resolution mechanism

– In the event of any disputes or conflict arising from the interpretation of these terms and services, they will be settled and finally decided in accordance with the laws in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and through the competent authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Jeddah.

23. Miscellaneous.

1. You may not assign or transfer ownership of any of these terms, in whole or in part, without the prior consent of Khafy. But you agree that if any provision of these Terms is determined to be illegal, void or unenforceable in whole or in part under any law, then that provision or part of the provision will be deemed not to be part of these Terms without any effect on the legality, validity or Enforceability. In such event, the parties shall replace the unlawful, void or unenforceable provision/part of the provision with a lawful, valid and enforceable provision/part of the provision provided that it has an effect similar, to the greatest extent possible, to the unlawful, void or unenforceable provision/part of the provision. Unenforceable having regard to the content and purpose of these Terms. These Terms constitute the entire agreement and understanding between the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersede and supersede all prior or contemporaneous agreements and undertakings regarding the subject matter. In these Terms, the words “including” and “include” mean “including but not limited to”

2. The right to submit a complaint: If you believe that we have made an error regarding your personal data or your rights, you may submit a complaint at any time by sending an email to Clientsupport@khafy.com

3. Right to correction: If you notice that the data stored is incorrect, you can correct your data directly in your profile.

4. No Agency nor Partnership Nothing in these Terms and Conditions will be construed as creating a relationship of partnership, joint venture, agency or employment between the parties. Khafy will not be responsible for User’s acts or omissions, User may not represent the Company, and has no power or authority to speak for, represent, bind, or assume any liability on behalf of the Company.

5. Khafy reserves all its rights to provide services to Users based on their absolute desire and will, without bearing any obligations or responsibilities on Khafy.

The Privacy Policy Complementary to Khafy Website

Khafy Information Technology (“Khafy Company”) is a simplified joint stock company, commercial registration number 4030471053, established in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Law in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and headquartered in Jeddah. This supplementary privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) also applies. It is necessary that You read and understand this Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us at the Khafy website. Therefore, we collect and process your personal data responsibly and in accordance with your privacy. This supplemental policy explains how the Website anonymously collects and uses your personal/professional data when you use the Website’s services (“Services”).

1. What information do we use?

1-1 Information you provide to us

You provide us with contact and identification information (name, date of birth, ID card number, profession, address, email address, mobile phone number, etc.) when you use one of the services of Khafy website, for example when you apply to obtain our services, or contact us. Please note that when you use our services, you must only provide your personal data. You may change your profile information, such as contact information and other settings, at any time on our website.

– We collect specific and necessary information when the User registers on our website to benefit from the services.

We may also automatically collect technical information when you use the Site, such as Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, and operating system, in order to analyze the use of the Site and improve its performance and User experience.

1-2. Information we collect about you

Depending on the type of our services you use, we may collect any of the following data about you, whether on our own or through third parties:

Contact and identification information: name, date of birth, ID card number, profession, address, email address, mobile phone number…etc.

• Information about the interaction between you and Khafy: the quality of your use of the services, including details of current and previous obligations, the history of your payment of your obligations with the Khafy website, and technical data such as page loading time, loading errors, your personal preferences, and details of your interactions with Khafy website customer service and your previous reservations. …etc.

• Recorded calls: We may record phone calls when you contact customer service

• Information related to the website: for example, Internet Protocol address, language settings, browser settings, time zone settings, location, operating system, platform, screen resolution.

• Use of Information

1- We use the information we collect from Users for the scope of services provided on the Khafy website or may be used for Khafy other companies data base.

2- We may also use the information to analyze the use of the site and improve the quality of the services we provide, with the consent of Users.

• Share Information

1 – We are committed not to share User information with third parties without their explicit consent, except in cases to use the Information to Khafy other companies data base or where it is required to disclose it in accordance with applicable law.

• Information Protection

1 – We take appropriate security measures to protect Users’ information from unauthorized access, unwanted use, unauthorized change, and unauthorized disclosure.

2 – We are also committed to constantly updating security technologies and providing appropriate training to the relevant team to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of information.

• User Rights

1 – Users have the right to access the personal information we hold about them and to have it corrected if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

 2 – Users also have the right to request deletion of their personal information or to submit requests regarding how their personal information is processed.

3. Profiling and automated decision-making by Khafy

Profiling” means the automated processing of personal data to evaluate certain personal factors, for example to analyze or predict characteristics related to your preferences. We use profiling based on the personal data we have about you in order to make personal or automated decisions about you for the following purposes:

3-1 Decisions that do not have a similar legal or substantive effect

Khafy may make the following decisions that do not have a similar legal or material effect regarding you:

• Anticipate any sponsored content you might be interested in.

• Identify any offers that may be suitable for You.

• Determine which content is most appropriate to display on the website Khafy.

3-2 Decisions have a similar legal or substantive effect

Automated decisions with legal effect or automated decisions with a similar material effect mean that some decisions related to our services may be made exclusively automatically and without the influence of our employees, and these decisions have a material impact on you as a User. Through automated decisions, Khafy improves the objectivity and transparency of how decisions are made regarding these services.

We may resort to this type of automated decision when we decide to accept or reject your request for our services, and if approved, determine the level of service you receive.

You have the right to present your view or object to an automated decision that has a similar legal or substantive effect (as well as related profiling) at any time by contacting us by email or referred to in Section 5. Our customer service team will handle your case in a timely manner

4. Update this Privacy Policy

We are always working to develop the scope of our services and give you a better User experience. This is not limited only to existing services, but also includes new services over time. Therefore, it is important that you read this Privacy Policy each time you use a Khafy service, as the processing of your personal data may change from the last time you used our services.

5. Our contact information

You can contact us directly through our customer service representatives via the following email: clientsupport@khafy.com

6. Warranty and cybersecurity

We are committed to providing a safe and secure environment on our website, but we make no express warranties or guarantees about the safety of Users’ information. All necessary measures are taken to protect Users’ personal information from any cyber violations or intrusions.

7. Disclaimer

7.1 Users must understand and agree that Khafy is not liable for any loss or damage arising from their use of the Website or reliance on the information provided therein.

7.2 The Khafy website does not bear responsibility for any delay or partial or total non-performance of the services arising directly or indirectly or from any event beyond the control of Khafy.

7.3 In no event shall Khafy’s liability in respect of any claim for loss, damage or expense of any kind and howsoever exceed the total value of the Service Fees paid in relation to the particular Service.

7.4 Neither Khafy nor the company shall be liable for any indirect or consequential loss, including loss of profits, loss of business, loss of opportunity or goodwill, and other losses. We also do not bear any responsibility for any loss, damage or expenses arising from any third-party claims (including, without limitation, claims for reimbursement of services) that may be incurred by the User.

7.5 In the event of any claim, the User must provide written notice to the Website within ten (10) days of discovery of the alleged facts supporting such claim, and in any event, the User will be released from all liability for all claims relating to loss. Or damages or expenses unless the claim is filed within one year of

-The date the Mystery Shopper performed the Mission that led to the claim; or

-The date by which the Mission must be completed in the event of alleged non-performance